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Can a dead person come back to life? My answer is "yes, but...". The Bible records several accounts of dead people coming back to life. Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44), He also raised the only son of a widow from Nain (Luke 7:11-14) and the daughter of Jairus was also raised from the dead (Mark 5:22-43) not forgetting that Jesus Christ himself was raised from the dead. So the dead can truly live again but this has to be an act of God. It is not automatic for every dead, it has to be by God's absolute decision. The Bible says that He does whatever He pleases. He has the power to kill, keep alive or bring back to life. Moses and Elijah were seen again with Jesus on the mountain (Matthew 17:1-4). This also was by God's permission. However, i want you to know that there are two sides to everything. The devil is a deceiver and all he does is to tell lies and deceive people. I believe that some demons take on the physical forms of dead people to live among men. This, they do, to deceive men and to finish some unfulfilled tasks. So beside God permiting a dead person to live again (which He can do anytime), the dead will remain dead while the soul waits for judgment that comes on the Judgment Day.

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8y ago
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9y ago

mabye idk but it could be true im confused can i have cake

some come alive its true

Lazarus had been dead four days when he was brought back to life. This is why practical Martha warned Jesus of the odor when the tomb was opened.

Regarding authenticity, this event was witnessed by a large enough number of people to cause the Jewish religious leaders grave concern and they not only then plotted against Jesus but against Lazarus as well. That this occurred is also corroborated by comments made in connection with Jesus' trial. It is stated in the Gospels that Pilate knew the Jews had delivered Jesus for envy. Envy, in that 'the whole world is gone after Him' (as a result of this miracle) was one of the motivations relating to the plot to kill Jesus which fomented immediately after this miracle. John 11 has the account of the miracle. Verses 45-53 contain details of the resultant plot. The whole point of this being that such a plot indicates a grudging acknowledgment of Jesus having performed this miracle. But rather than believe, they chose to eliminate Him.

Jesus Himself of course rose from the dead on the third day after having been crucified. The Romans who certified His death, were well trained to recognize it. Even though they lacked some of our modern medical knowledge, they undoubtedly, as professional soldiers, had more first hand experience of death than most people today. They knew death when they saw it. Nor did those who buried Jesus express any doubts - they would have been only too happy to have Him alive, but what they saw plunged them into deep despondency and mourning and also fear for their own fate with their master gone.

Those who wrote the Gospel records, which have been repeatedly verified by the facts of archeological discoveries as being trustworthy, were themselves eyewitnesses, or else knew the eyewitnesses personally. In a court of law eyewitness testimony, especially with corroborative evidence is valid. The empty tomb remains un ed. The psychological change of the disciples remains un ed. The evidence is that dead people really can and do come back to life.

That this actually happened in history was certainly an unusual event, which also explains their unwillingness to believe it. This also points to its authenticity, as people who concoct a story do not paint themselves in a bad light.

There are no verifiable proof that people have come back from the dead. Most that were written were only from tribal folklore. Exceptions are those that were revived at the hospital after flat-linning.

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8y ago

Religious claims aside ...

There is no evidence of anyone ever "coming back to life". There are a few cases where someone who was thought to be dead (and who may have been prepared for burial) has turned out not to actually be dead after all, but this is mostly due to primitive tests for "deadness" yielding a false result.

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12y ago

yes, all you have to do is get one of the vital organs going again

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8y ago

Yes (Isaiah 26:19, Ezekiel ch.37). This will require a direct act of God and will happen when He decrees it.

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== In science, physically, you can't, but if you are in a hospita and you died for a second, you might be brought back to life. == That depends on what you mean by coming back from the dead, or by being dead. Some people have been declared dead (and for a considerable period) and were not, in fact, dead. This is different than coming back from the dead. And then there are the instances of those who are "dead" and are restored to life by medical professionals or perhaps first responders performing life saving intervention. But when a person is dead, they are dead. They won't be coming back to life.


== In science, physically, you can't, but if you are in a hospita and you died for a second, you might be brought back to life. == That depends on what you mean by coming back from the dead, or by being dead. Some people have been declared dead (and for a considerable period) and were not, in fact, dead. This is different than coming back from the dead. And then there are the instances of those who are "dead" and are restored to life by medical professionals or perhaps first responders performing life saving intervention. But when a person is dead, they are dead. They won't be coming back to life.

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you can't!