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No! There are two requirements to being pope. The person must be male and must be a Catholic.

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No. The Catholic pope is chosen among Catholics. Different protestant denominations have their own leaders.

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There is no pope of Protestant churches. In fact, you could say that one of the main reasons for the Protestant Reformation was not to have a pope!

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No, Billy Graham is not the Protestant Pope. The title of Pope is specific to the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, while Billy Graham was a prominent Protestant Christian evangelist and not a pope or a leader of a specific Protestant denomination.

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No protestant churches do not have a single leader like the pope.

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No, the ranking is a Catholic position.

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There is only one pope at a time and he is Catholic. There are no Protestant popes although, technically, the pope is the spiritual leader of them also.

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No, despite what some Protestant and Pentecostal groups might say, the pope is not a liar.

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The Protestant Revolt, or Reformation.

Which term originally referred to german prince who was not loyal to the pope?


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