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Yes, a muslim can go to church.As from sources it is said in the quran that the real christ will destroy the antichrist.In some parts there are names of prophets like moses in the quran.Everything is connected.It is to what lenghts people can think and understand.Not only a muslim but a person of any religion can go to church.God is everywhere,he is in your heart.It is what you believe.I believe that god is one and very and little understand this.For proof and nonbelievers is there anywhere in the bible or quran that that states kill everyone,hate the person who is not of your religion.Religion is the way of life of a person.We can all live together by understanding each other and compramising.

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10y ago

No. There is no such thing called 'church' in Islam.

If you were referring to the worshipping place of Muslims, it is typically called a "Mosque" in English. In Arabic, there are two names for such a structure: Jame'a (جامع) also Latinized in Turkish as Camii refers to a large Mosque and Masjid (مسجد) also Latinized in Turkish as Mescid which refers to a smaller community building. Muslims in the mosque; during praying; face the direction of Kaaba in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.

Muslims are required to go to the mosque to pray according to religious mandates. Some are less stringent about it than others.

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I'm not perfectly sure, but from my knowledge, it's forbidden because it's like you're promoting the Christian religion.

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14y ago

Yes, of course

Be open-minded

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Q: Can a Muslim pray in a church?
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that's like me askin u why is the church a symbol for christians or whatever u r.........we pray there

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They are commanded by Almighty God to pray to Him.

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Specifically Muslim men (as opposed to Muslim women) pray in the front and center of a Mosque. Muslim women pray at the sides or the back of the mosque so that their image does not distract the men.

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