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If the animal falls under halal guidelines (look them up online) and if the animal was killed quickly and without great pain. Prophet Muhammad [SAW] treated animals very nicely and so should you.

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Q: Can a Muslim eat wild animals kill?
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Yes, rats, at least wild rats, are very aggressive to most other animals. Rats are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. So eat anything if they can capture it and kill it.

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Do animals kill to eat?

Yes, cats do kill to eat, and the process of animals killing to eat is called hunting.

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Mostly, wild animals eat ducks.

What do hunters eat?

Hunter eat wild animals meat and berries,such as wild pig.

What is the name Muslim way of killing animals?

The name of killing of animals, that are allowed for Muslims to eat per Islam religion, is slaughtering.There is no way that Islam gives permission to people to hunt or kill animals except for those animals who ALLAH allowed Muslims to eat and those animals when endangering your life.

Why Muslim kill the animal to make food?

Cause Muslim eat the food to make energy

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Wild dogs typically get salt from the food that they eat. They consume the flesh of animals they kill, but also often eat the contents of their prey's stomachs and other organs.

Do wild rats eat rabits?

A wild rat can attack and kill a rabbit if it is hungry enough or feels threatened. A rat does not normally attack animals larger than itself unprovoked.

Do cats eat everything they kill?

Domesticated cats that live with people and are fed by people don't kill out of hunger. They kill out of ancient instinct to chase and kill many other kinds of animals. So no, they don't eat everything they kill. In fact they eat very little of what they kill unless they are feral or wild animals.