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Yes they can. As a Christian I wear pants myself. But, God doesn't judge you or anyone else by their outside appearance. God looks at the heart.It's your choice really if you want to or not.

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If you want to know the answer and you are a Christian,read Deutoronomy22:5

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Q: Can a Christian wear a trouser?
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The hip line and waist of a trouser is right below the belly button. This is where most people wear there jeans.

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Trouser snout is the feminine of "trouser snake" (aka camel toe)

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yes cause you can be creative and you can steal the focus off of everyone!

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The people in Venezuela wear clothes that are similar to the rest of America. Men mostly wear light suits, trousers and shirts. While women wear all sorts of trending outfits from dresses to skirt and trouser suits.

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What is porte un pantalon in English?

Un pantalon (masc.) means a trouser in French. Porter un pantalon is "to wear trousers".

What is the plural form of trouser?

The plural form of "trouser" is "trousers."

Where online can I shop for a trouser rack?

There are many places online to get a trouser rack. You can go to and

What people in Venezuela wear?

The people in Venezuela wear clothes that are similar to the rest of America. Men mostly wear light suits, trousers and shirts. While women wear all sorts of trending outfits from dresses to skirt and trouser suits.