Yes. And then, depending on the Religious Order to which she belongs, she may have to pass it on to the bursar. Some nuns take vows of poverty, but that is only personal poverty - they still require housing and feeding, clothing and healthcare. This is why they have 'communal funds'. Other nuns may be allowed by their Orders to retain control of some sums of money - but they would generally dissuaded from gathering large amounts to themselves... they too would be encouraged to share it with their Sisters.
To say "Catholic nun" in Yiddish, you would say "katolisher nonne."
A roamin' Catholic
Roman Catholic AnswerA Catholic woman who is not married and is of age.
A nun is not really a nun if she is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a member of a religious order or if she does not take religious vows. Additionally, a person who pretends to be a nun for personal gain or deception purposes is not truly a nun.
Roman Catholic AnswerCatholic nuns practice Christianity.
A divorced Protestant woman can not take communion in the Catholic church. According to the Catholic church a divorced woman is committing adultery and can not become a nun.
Nun is a word, not an acronym. It means a woman who has consecrated her life to God.
No, a Catholic nun can not marry while she is a member of her order as she is considered to be married to God.
No, a Catholic should not receive communion in anything but a Catholic Church.
Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun? Of the Roman Catholic Church? No. It is not a sin at all.
In most Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, women are not allowed to be ordained as priests. However, some Protestant denominations do permit women to be ordained as ministers and hold leadership positions within the church.
Mary McKillop.