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Yes, most definitely! (did you know a Mormon invented the TV?) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the 'Mormon' church) is actually very much into technology and media, and most members are as well. The Church itself operates a cable tv station, BYU-TV (also found online and on digital devices like Roku and AppleTV), as well as the NBC and PBS affiliates in Utah. (KSL-5 and KBYU-11). They also have a digital television station (for internet and digital TV devices) called the Mormon Channel. BYU-tvcreates unique content that is clean but not religious themed. Popular shows are a drama called Granite Flats, a sketch comedy called Studio C, a history program called American Ride, and a human interest reality called Story Trek. Mormon Channelprograms are religious, focusing on various aspects of the faith. Mormons have also created their own niche in cinema, creating films that are uplifting with a uniquely Mormon flavor. Movies such as Saints and Soldiers, Singles Ward, 17 Miracles, and God's Army have been very successful. Recent releases in Mormon cinema include Cokeville Miracle, The Saratov Approach, and Freetown.
Of course Mormons don't only watch Mormon-made television and movies, they also watch the same shows you do! I'm a Mormon, and my favorite TV shows include Modern Family, Brooklyn 99, Project Runway, Seinfeld, and Downton Abbey.
The exception is Mormon missionaries. Mormon missionaries are expected to spend all of their time focusing on preaching the gospel and are not allowed to watch tv or movies unless it is a church-produced program.

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Yes! Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) may watch television. Most Mormons own a television, although it is becoming increasingly popular to watch television programming online. The Church itself even owns two Cable Television stations, BYU-TV and BYU-TV international, which are operated by broadcasting students at Church-owned universities. They also operate the local PBS affiliate in Utah, KBYU-11, in addition to indirectly operating the local NBC affiliate, KSL-5.

Church members are advised that while television, internet, and other technologies can be beneficial, they are also the fastest way to alow evil influences into our lives. In a pamphlet the Church has published regarding media standards, it reads, "Choose only entertainment and media that uplift you... Do not attend, view, or participate in entertainment that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in entertainment that in any way presents immorality or violent behavior as acceptable."

You can read the rest of this pamphlet, as well as watch the Church-owned telelvision station BYU-TV streaming online at the "Related Links" below.

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