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Of course not, Jesuit priests are Catholic priests and may not adminster the holy sacraments outside of Church law (Canon Law). Canon Law stipulates that a couple must be married in a sacred space - it must be a church, chapel, Cathedral, etc. that has been consecrated by a Bishop.

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Q: Can Jesuits marry couple outside church?
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nothing. it just a ceremony.

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Does the Catholic Church recognize marriage if a Catholic woman marries in a Episcopalian Church?

Any marriage, which takes place in the Catholic Church, is valid. When one wishes to marry, one should contact his local priest; the priest will give instructions to the couple and the non-Catholic must agree to raise the children in the Catholic Faith. If the priest determines that the intentions of the couple are in union with Church teachings, he will permit the marriage. However, if one were to marry outside the Church...the Marriage is not valid.

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The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize remarriage unless the couple was married outside of the Church. The nature of marriage is such that it can not be unbroken. Therefore, an annulment is not a divorce, but rather a recognizing that a marriage never took place. If some couple were to have their marriage annuled than they were never actually married and their "remarriage" would be their first. A widow or widower may marry.

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The why of 'have to marry outside the context of Mass' is crucial to a proper answer. Even then, its a question for a priest. If it's a 'have to' because the Church would determine that the union is illicit, the Church does so in believing one's soul could be at peril.

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That depends on the laws of your country and the policy of the church in which the people want to marry. As you have not provided enough information about these things we can not help you further.

Can a Catholic priest marry a couple in a non Catholic church?

Yes, he could, with proper paper work. There has to be a valid reason.

Can an Orthodox Christian woman marry a Muslim man?

No. A marriage between an Orthodox Christian and someone outside the Christian religion will not be blessed by the Orthodox Church and will be grounds for excommunication (barring from the sacraments).

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The civil marriage would not be recognized by the Catholic Church and the couple would need to have the marriage blessed by the Church.

What is the meaning of an arch at a wedding?

The wedding arch or arbor, chuppah is meant to replace the alter when a couple chooses to marry outside. It is a long standing Jewish tradition that the marring couple have something to kiss under. The Chuppah, arbor, arch fall into play and take the place of the alter inside a church or Temple.

Do you need to be an ordained minister to marry a couple in the state of Wisconsin?

No. They do not need to be ordained but they do need to represent a church or religious organization to do so.

Can a divorced Catholic receive communion if they did not marry in a Catholic church in the first place.?

A Catholic cannot marry outside of the Church, this means that in this time this person has been living in sin, living conjugally outside the bonds of marriage. This Catholic would need to repent and go to confession before receiving Holy Communion.