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Not while they are on this earth in earthly bodies. A Christian will only reach perfection after he/she has gone on to be with the Lord. Christians commit sin all the time, but don't live in habitual sin and they confess their sin to God very frequently, to be in fellowship with Him. So by being sinful we can never be perfect on this earth.

We see the word perfect used in Scripture, but that means that we are becoming more mature in the Christian life, not becoming perfect.

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Christians don't seek perfection, at least in this life. Perfection is the goal of Buddhists and Daoists

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Q: Can Christians ever reach perfection
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You are Perfect! -verb (used with object) bring to completion; finish. bring to perfection; make flawless or faultless. bring nearer to perfection; improve. make fully skilled. to bring is "in progress" You are in progress of perfection so therefore your are Perfect!

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