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"... will make was with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful." Revelation 17:14

"Listen, my brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom which He promised those who love Him?" James 2:5

"So the last will be first, and the first will be last. For many are called but few are chosen." Matthew 20:16

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Q: Called or chosen
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Related questions

What is it called when representatives are chosen throughout the US?

When representatives are chosen throughout the US this is called elections. Just like you elect the president or the governor.

What is the meaning of the biblical term chosen?

The word chosen in the bible means Called by God for his work.

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the messiah

How many times are you called his chosen ones?

If this is referring to God, then we only need to be called His chosen ones once. And if we remain as His chosen ones then we will have eternal life with Christ Jesus. But remember, the Bible states that many are called, but few are chosen. And few are only chosen because only few actually live according to the Christian faith that they proclaim. It will do no one any good to just "profess" to be a Christian. You need to LIVE as a Christian to be chosen by God.

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Your question is incoherent.

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The theory that monarchs are Chosen by God is called the Divine right Of Kings. =)

Is Chosen now Korea?

Yes... sort of. 1. Chosen was called Korea in the west anyways. 2. Chosen has been split in north/south so it is not equivalent.

What is the difference between called or chosen of God?

The word called means , when God calls you for a purpose like to be a prophet.Chosen means when you are chosen for Gods work like to be a pastor or a missionary.

What does god elect's mean?

ELECTION (from "Lecture") Those who will receive eternal life are called the "elect" The opposite of elect is "reprobate" (re + probate) (AGAIN PLACED ON PROBATION) ..."Many are 'called' but few are 'chosen'"... Those who are chosen are chosen by ELECTION. An election is chosing by vote. In this case it is a public voice-vote as opposed to SELECTION which is a "secret"+ election, usually by ballot. This election occurs "before the foundation of the world". Before you were born. In the "before-time". You are also "called" before you are chosen. Remember... "Many are called bu few are chosen." Even fewer will be "faithful" after being chosen. FAITHFUL unto death. Even the death of the cross. All who are Chosen by ELECTION were first "called". All who were "called" were "predestined" and those who were presdestined were "foreknown". FOREKNOWN, PREDESTINED, CALLED, CHOSEN (BY ELECTION), FAITHFUL This is the group you want to be in ...THE "CALLED, CHOSEN AND FAITHFUL" THE TRIED, TESTED AND TRUE THE PURGED, PURIFIED AND PERFECTED THE JUSTIFIED, SAINTIFIED AND GLORIFIED Mystery: God does not 'vote'. He 'ordains' (Orders) or decrees. Who is doing the voting to make this an election? Terry Easley

There was a song called we are the chosen one Who was the artist?

Dream evil

A representative chosen from the state as a whole is called what?

at-large district