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Some 2,500 years ago, Buddhism emerged in northern India. An outgrowth of Hinduism.

Buddhism was formed out of the teachings of the Buddha and is not an outgrowth of any other religion.

It does however share a cultural context with Hinduism and concepts such as reincarnation and Nirvana.

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14y ago

Brahmanism and other Vedic religions. Siddartha Gotama studied and practiced many derivations and forms of these religions before founding the branch we know of today

as 'Buddhism' One major advance was his insistence that caste had nothing to do with

spiritual pursuit and that his teaching should be open to all.


Buddhism did not grow from any major religion for the following reason:

1. Buddha have not remcommended even a bit of the Vedic teachings. So it is not from the Hinduism.

2. Buddha did not realise anything as an absolute self, not even the soul. Therefore the basic building block of Budhism does not make any possible link with any of the world religions. Moreover, Buddhism is a complete complementary to Hinduism in this matter.

3. If Buddhism was a branch of Hinduism then why Buddhism got swept from the land of its origin? Why Hindus do not regret and attempts to protest and restore the tragedy happened at Nalanda University in which thousands of Buddhist monks and spritual masters were burnt alive?

4. If Buddha was a reincarnation of Veshnu then why Hindus do not worship him that way?

5. The only similarity between Hinduism and Budhism is the acceptance of mental trainings through meditations. Still the tools, tactics and goal are entirely differnet from Hinduism. Bhuddha accepted Krishna, Veshnu and shive as deities who are far from the line of Enlightenment.

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Very broadly it can be said that Buddhism is to Hinduism as Christianity is to Judaism. The historical Buddha was brought up in a Hindu culture, just as Jesus was brought up in a Jewish one.

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