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The Buddhist "code of ethics" is the Vinaya, and Buddhists deny there being an ultimate, inccoruptible soul. The closest thing to the soul is the awareness of mind, and the alaya that holds and stores karmic actions and effect, in the subconcious.

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Buddhists do not believe in a permanent soul or self.

Instead, there is a continuation of mind, but this is an ever-changing process, and the mind/consciousness changes continually.

Within Buddhism, there exist many somewhat different philosophical explanations of this 'selflessness' or 'emptiness'. Despite this being a very difficult discussion, it is very essential to Buddhist thought, because only when a person realizes this truth about the self, can he or she achieve enlightenment and release from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.


There is no soul and everything is impermanent. This is a very basic teaching of the Buddhism.

Simply, all living beings will reborn after death if they haven't attained Nirvana (enlightenment). But there is no soul which is going from birth to birth. So after reborn, there will be a different person but having same Karmas done in the cycle of rebirth (Samsara). Re-born being will have the similar qualities as previous life.

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Q: Buddhism code of ethics and idea of soul?
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