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According to tradition, Judaism was founded by Abraham. He was born in Ur (Babylonia), where he first repudiated idolatry. He then sojourned in Harran (Syria) for several years, and then lived most of his life in Canaan (Israel). It was in Canaan that Abraham lived most of his life, made a covenant with God (Genesis ch.15), and raised a family to be the center of carrying on his traditions (Genesis 18:19). All of these places are within the Fertile Crescent.

Abraham's family carried on his teachings voluntarily. Judaism as a binding, permanent entity, was set forth between God and the Israelite nation descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at Mount Sinai in the time of Moses (Exodus ch.19, ch.24, and 34:27).

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Q: Birth place of judaism
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Judaism was founded in and around the place now known as Israel.

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The birth of Abraham (1812 BCE), who founded what is now called Judaism. See also:More about AbrahamA more detailed timeline of Judaism

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