This verse can be found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Matthew 25:35-40. In these verses, Jesus speaks about feeding, clothing, and visiting those in need with the understanding that when you do these things for the least of people, you are doing it for Him.
Evangelism! conversion, focus on the bible, the cross The main focus was on activism, feeding the hungry and helping the community.
You can check The Bible book name, its chapter, and verse number if we have the verse. It is easier to look it up if you have either the verse topic or the verse itself.
There is no Bible verse for John's death.
Jesus wept because that is the smallest verse in the bible
There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.
When they get hungry.
Judith is not a book in the Bible.
His Favorite Bible Verse Is .. Matthew 5:14
A verse.
verse 982
No such verse, or similar, afaik.