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Baptism gets its power from the word of GOD.

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What is a Christian Baptism?

Somebody gets baptized

Why Jesus undergo baptism even though he was exempted from inheriting your sins?

he was the son of god and every christian gets baptism

What happends in an infant baptism?

Well, the infant gets baptised by getting water put on his or her head.

When was the power of baptism first given by Jesus?

The power of Baptism will surely come if you will be baptized by water. Water has the grace of the Holy Spirit that grant you to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Moreover,it will cleanse your soul from being defiled of sin. Baptism mostly happened during infancy and adult period.

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A Monarchy gets their power by being born into a ruling family .

How is a baptism pool used in a baptism?

The Baptism Pool holds the water that will be used for the Baptism.

What does baptism fall under?

Baptism is a sacrament of the Church where a newly born baby or a grown adult is forgiven of all their sins (including the original sin) with the power of the Holy Spirit and welcomed into the Christian commuity.

Where does an oligarchy get its power?

IT gets the power from people that it rules

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where does natural gas gets its power from, the sun.

What are the symbols for a Jewish baptism?

There is no such thing as a Jewish baptism.

How do the Hebrew celebrate their baptism?

There is no baptism in the Jewish religion. Only Christians have baptism.

Why is there a blessing at baptism?

that is the point of baptism