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Yes, but we know very little about them. We know that the highest includes those who are exalted to Godhood and are required to have been married or sealed in the temple, and those in the other levels will serve as ministering angels and teach those in the Terrestrial Kingdom.

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Q: Are there three levels in the celestial kingdom?
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Will Jesus be in the Celestial heaven according to Mormonism?

Yes. According to the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church), there are three levels or kingdoms of heaven, the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. The Celestial Kingdom is the highest, and is the eternal home of God the Father and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the ability to visit those in the Terrestrial kingdom, but his home is the Celestial Kingdom at the right hand of His Father, God.

What is the highest degree of exaltation in Mormon religion?

While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) believes that most people will get to heaven, they believe in three levels (kingdoms or degrees) of heaven: the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. The highest kingdom is the Celestial, to which only faithful believers will go. Doctrine and Covenants section 131 also says that within the Celestial kingdom there are another three degrees, but little has been said about them. "The highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom" is considered the highest degree of exaltation. Section 131 says, "In the Celestial Glory there are three heavens or degrees; and in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the Priesthood (meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage); and if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase."

What happens to us in the celestial kingdom?

Not many details are known about specific kingdoms. We generally know that the Telestial Kingdom is so glorious that we can't comprehend it, that the Terrestrial Kingdom is much better, and that the Celestial Kingdom is much better still. So, it's an unfathomably amazing place to be. Inhabits of the Celestial Kingdom will also teach those in the Terrestrial Kingdom. Within the Celestial Kingdom, however, there are also three degrees of glory. Those who inherit the highest have been sealed to a spouse in the temple and will ultimately be exalted to godhood just as our God has been (though we will not replace him). Those who are not exalted will act as angels.

Where was the Mormon destination?

The Celestial Kingdom.

What are the three most general levels in classification?

The three most general levels in classification are domain, kingdom, and phylum. These levels categorize organisms based on broad characteristics such as cell type, body organization, and reproductive methods.

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How many levels in a classification?

The number of levels in a classification system can vary, but typically there are three to six levels. Examples include kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species in biological classification. Each level represents a different degree of relatedness or specificity in categorizing organisms.

What is a kingdom in a Mormon church?

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) a kingdom could refer to a couple things.First is the Kingdom of God. If someone references 'building the kingdom' or something similar, they are referring to the Kingdom of God. The Bible Dictionary, published by the Church, puts it this way, "Generally speaking, the the kingdom of God on the earth is the Church. It is a preparation for the greater kingdom-the celestial or kingdom of heaven. However, kingdom of heaven is sometimes used in scripture to mean the Church, meaning that the true church on the earth is the path to heaven, and is the kingdom of heaven on earth."Second, the Kingdoms of Glory. Mormons believe that within heaven there are three 'kingdoms' or degrees. The highest of these is the Celestial Kingdom, followed by the Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdoms. There are different requirements to be admitted into each kingdom. You can learn about the kingdoms of glory at the "Related Link" below, it's too much to include here.

Where did the three wise men see the celestial body?

In the east!

What are the three parts of Mormon heaven?

the terrestial, telestial, and celestial.

Which of the three celestial body of the three does not have an atmosphere?

On the list you provided with the question, there is no body mentioned that HAS an atmosphere.