Caveat: This answer is from a Catholic perspective; other Christian denominations may have different theologies of the diaconate.
Deacons are ordained ministers who proclaim the Gospel in the liturgy, baptize, preside over marriages and funerals, are ordinary ministers of Communion, and who may preach, with a bishop or priest presiding. Deacons are not priests, and have a special relationship to the bishop, since they are ordained by the bishop and are there to be sent by the bishop to do various tasks. A deacon is not an elevated altar boy, but is ordained for the service of God's people. In addition to serving at the liturgy, deacons are to use their talents to serve the Church. Deacons may be married, so long as they are married before they are ordained to the diaconate. If their wife dies, they may not remarry, but must remain celibate. The permanent diaconate was reinstituted with Vatican II. The transitional diaconate has remained in the Catholic Church for a long time, as a prerequisite for ordination to the priesthood, but the permanent diaconate was suppressed for a time. Deacons are on the third tier of orders: episcopacy (bishops), presbytery (priests), and the diaconate (deacons). According to the Church Fathers (St. Jerome and others), these three levels correspond to the Old Testament divisions of high priest (corresponding to bishops), Aaronic priests (corresponding to Catholic priests), and Levites (corresponding to deacons).
Deacons first appear in Acts 6. Since then, there have been many deacons. St. Francis of Assisi, one of the most popular saints in history, was a deacon, considering himself too unworthy to be ordained to the priesthood. Others include St. Lawrence, who was martyred by being cooked on a grill. Half way through his torture, he told the guard that he could turn him over since he was done on that side! Deacons are important ministers to the Church of Christ, reflecting Christ's ministry of service. In Greek, "Diakonia" is related to "service" or "servant". The deacon therefore exercises Christ's ministry of service.
Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church.
Yes, There have always been deacons in the Catholic Church. After the second Vatican Council, the order of Deacons was restored as a full time ministry, before deacons were only transitory (on their way to becoming priests). It is the first of the major holy orders ( deacon, priest, bishop) but permanent deacons do not become priests, without further studies and discernment, as it is distinct from priest. In the US, the Order of Deacon was restored around 1975.
Roman Catholic AnswerMost deacons wear a Roman collar, although permanent deacons who work outside of the Church usually don't, but they certainly may, they are clergy every bit as much as a priest.
In most Churches that have the threefold order (deacons, priests and bishops), like the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Churches, most deacons are ordained priests after one year being a deacon. However, some elect to remain as permanent deacons as this is where they believe their calling lies. Also, in the Roman Catholic Church married men are allowed to become deacons but are not, as yet, allowed to become priests (although some Catholic priests are now married - such as married Anglican priests who have moved to the Roman Catholic Church)> therefore, for married men the diaconate is the only order open to them and they remain deacons permanently.
.Roman Catholic AnswerThe ministers of the Chaldean Rite are all Catholic Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. The Chaldean Rite is part of the Catholic Church.
There were seven men chosen by the early Church as deacons.
There is no "Roman" Catholic Church: Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. The Chaldean Catholic Church is part of the Catholic Church.
Yes, Catholic deacons receive the sacrament of Holy Orders when they are ordained. Deacons are ordained to a ministry of service and are part of the ordained clergy in the Catholic Church.
The Roman Catholic Church is a type of Christian Church.
I can't be exhaustive but I know the following denominations have deacons: Roman Catholic Orthodox Christian Churches in the Anglican Communion (Church of England, Episcopal Church, etc). I know there are a handful of protestant denominations that have deacons. Someone else can help out with that.
You would use the phrase Roman Catholic Church as a noun, because it's a name. For example, "The Roman Catholic Church is headquarted in Vatacin City" or "John is a member of the Roman Catholic Church". Tip: there is no Roman Catholic Church. It is the Catholic Church.
Yes, lots of churches have bishops as the main person in them, usually a Cathedral.Roman Catholic AnswerThe very word "bishop" is from the Catholic Church; it designates a successor of the Apostles who has the fullness of Christ's priesthood, and the power to ordain priests and deacons. Without the Bishop, there can be no Church, and outside of the Church there can be no bishops.
the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which a man is ordained as a deacon, priest, or bishop by the laying on of hands and prayer. This sacrament conveys a special grace and power to serve the Church and administer the other sacraments. It is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.