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Luther was opposed to Monasticism, and in fact married a former Nun. It should be noted some Lutheran hospitals have what are called Deaconesses- who might loosely be styled Lutheran ( Nuns). they are not normally cloistered ( do not live in special quarters such as Convents) and are not necessarily bound to cellibacy. they do wear Religious costumes on duty- mainly in hospitals and similar institutions such as the Lutheran Home, which as staffed by a Sister Patricia at one time. They are referred to as Sisters, but are not Nuns in the Roman Catholic sense. It is stretching things to call them nuns. The Episcopalian church has orders of both celibate monks ( the Cowley Fathers) and nuns ( various congregations ) this is in the Anglo-Catholic branch of the Anglican church.

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I believe there are female religious ( in the practical sense) personnel in the Lutheran Church called Deaconesses. ( female form of Deacon). They are neither Nuns nor Ordained Ministers. As with their Catholic counterparts, they are involved in charitable deeds- for example, the management of the Lutheran Home, a senior-citizen facility now defunct. Sister is a working title- sort of a job title used in the institution, but they are not (Nuns) in the Roman Catholic sense. They may have a distinctive costume or badge- perhaps a variant on a Nurse"s uniform- maybe a cross pendant or something worn with it- this is in no sense the same as , say the standardized Habit of, say, the Franciscans, Dominicans, etc. From what I understand the celibacy requirement does not apply. By the way, in England and Europe, Nurses- regardless of Religious affiliation, are often addressed as ( sister) This is true in England and Germany- thus a Nursing Sister does not necessarily imply a Nun in the hospital or health-care apostolate. This may explain the Lutheran situation. There you have it. The Just Man lives by Faith. ( Herr Luther could have added- but, everything else costs- Money!

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My own sainted mother, Theresa, was raised in a Lutheran orphanage in Minneapolis, Minnesota., because her mother died when Theresa was about 9, and her baby brother was about 6. She was always critical of the nuns in the orphanage, as they brutally beat her for childish transgressions such as bed wetting. Late in life when she lived with me, her only son, she resisted any inclusion of Lutheran clergy in her final days. She allowed Episcopal clergy to attend, but only reluctantly. She escaped from the Lutheran Orphanage and the attendant nuns when when she became "of age" at about 16, and was then employed as an attendant herself to a Christian Scientist invalid. She never again attended any religious services of any stripe. Very sad, because, I said above that she was "sainted". She quite spiritual in her beliefs. Just that organized religion was anathema due to the abuse she suffered. Today, she could file a lawsuit and reap hundreds 0fo thousands of dollars in recompense/

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Q: Are there any monks or nuns in Lutheranism?
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