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There are Atheists, but the phrasing of the question is odd, because, as others have pointed out, Atheism is not a codified religion with edicts, meeting places, and theology. So, there is nothing for them to adhere to and no place for them to adhere to it.

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12y ago

An adherent of atheism would like being a team of people who don't playing Baseball. Atheists don't believe in any deities, this does not make them an organized force except to the religious

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9y ago

No. Atheism is not a belief system.

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Q: Are there any adherents of atheism?
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Who is the head of atheism?

Nobody - atheism is not organised as its adherents do not believe!

Attributes of atheism?

The only attribute of atheism is that we lack any belief in gods.

Is Atheism a Non-Profit Organization?

No. Atheism is not any type of organization. Atheism is a lack of belief in the supernatural.To quote the late George Carlin, "Atheism is a non-prophet organization".

Where is atheism important?

Atheism is important to an atheist. If you are an atheist you don't believe in any god.

What is a belief in no god?

A person who does not believe in any God is an Atheist.

What is the atheism theory?

Atheism has no theory. We simply disbelieve in any gods or other supernatural beings.

What Atheism mean?

An atheist does not believe in the existence of God. Atheism is the condition of not believing in God. Atheism is the absence of a belief in gods.

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Do you have to legally convert to atheism?

No. There is no conversion to atheism because it is not a religion. If you do not believe in any sort of god or spirit, then you are an atheist.

Is atheism offensive?

No. In and of itself atheism is simply the absence of any belief in gods. It is a benign intellectual choice. Some people with strong religious beliefs may find that offensive but atheism itself is not the offender. Also, there may be some people who are atheists who are offensive but that is true of any group of people and is not caused by atheism but by human nature.

How long ago did atheism begin?

atheism has been around for ages, for example many ancient greek philosophers were atheist Atheism pre-dates civilisation. It is certainly older than any religion.

What are the followers of the religion called?

Followers or believers of a religion would generally be named after that certain religion. For example: People who believe in Christianity would be called Christians; Atheism- Atheists, Catholicism- Catholics, Buddhism- buddhists, Hinduism- Hindu, and so forth.