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Yes, there is 7 rings of hell differs, Each one differ than the other

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Q: Are there 7 rings of hell in Islam?
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What is the punishment of Islam?

If you do not follow the religion of Islam, you will be sent to the hell fire

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Hell is hell,it rings a bell!

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no its does not have 7 rings

Is the Islam religion belief in heaven or hell?

Islam religion belief is in both Heaven and Hell. Heaven is the reward for good Muslims and good believers in God and in His oneness. Hell is for those who are expelled from God love and mercy.

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hell no

Are there any important leaders in Islam today?

hell no. Islam is a horrible place that needs no leaders, only cows.

What religion is just and merciful?

Islam is the Only Religion for Salvation, the Most Merciful! Embrace Islam to escape from Hell!

Does Islam believe in eternal life on earth?

No. Islam stands for an eternal life but not on earth. Islam says that the eternal life will either be in Hell or Paradise.

Islam belief about heaven n hell?

Yes Islam believe about hell,heavens,angels,day of judgements,prophets and their books like zaboor torah bible for a specific place and quran for all mankind..!!

Is there judgment in Islam?

There is hell punishment for everyone in Islam according to Surah 19:71 "And there is not one of you but will come to it. This is an absolute decree of thy Lord"

What has the author Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din written?

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din has written: 'Table talk' -- subject(s): Islam 'Ethics of war by Al-Hajj Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din' -- subject(s): War and religion, Jihad 'Five pillars of Islam' -- subject(s): Islam 'Islam and other religions by Al-Hajj Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din' -- subject(s): Relations, Islam 'Islam and the Muslim prayer' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Islamic prayers, Ahmadiyya, Islam 'League of faith' -- subject(s): Islam 'The ideal prophet, incorporating a portion of \\' -- subject(s): Islam, Christianity and other religions 'Islam and civilization' -- subject(s): Civilization, Islamic, Islamic theology, Islamic Civilization 'The resurrection' -- subject(s): Resurrection (Islam) 'Study for an atheist' -- subject(s): Islam 'Hell & heaven' -- subject(s): Paradise, Hell (Islam), Islam, Paradise (Islam) 'League of faith' -- subject(s): Islam 'Hell & heaven' -- subject(s): Paradise (Islam), Hell (Islam) 'Study for an atheist' -- subject(s): Islam 'Hints to the study of the Holy Qur-an by Al Hajj Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din' -- subject(s): Koran 'Islam -- My Only Choice'

What happen to those who did not accept Islam?

Muslims believe they burn in a blazing hell fire.