There are more than six hundred commandments in the Torah, the first section of the Hebrew Bible. Today, around 300 to 400 of these commandments are applicable, since the Temple was destroyed. Only the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament are considered to apply to Christians, however Jesus gave new commandments to his disciples.
The term "Ten Commandments" is actually a misnomer. The original Hebrew is 'Asseret HaDibrot' which translates to The Ten Statements. These 10 statements encapsulate the 613 commandments found in the Torah that provide the basic blueprints for living a righteous life to Jews. From the Jewish perspective, all of the guidelines, including the 10 Statements only apply to Jews. For the rest of the world's nations, the Torah has what are referred to as the "Noahide Laws", these are 7 laws that provide the guidelines for living righteously to non-Jews.
Of the 613 mitzvot, many require the Temple to be standing, others apply only to those living in Israel, there are those that apply to people of specific tribes, and many are career or gender specific.
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God gave Moses one set of Ten Commandments. God wrote them on Mt. Sinai with His own finger. God instructed Moses to go down for the people were sinning, and into idolatry. When Moses saw this He broke the Ten Commandments of God in anger. Later, he (Moses) went back up to the mountain of God and God wrote them all over.
There are 10 Commandments most Christian faiths. However, there are seven acts of mercy.
Judaism:In Judaism there are the Asseret HaDibrot (10 Statements) which essentially categorise the 613 mitvot (guidelines) given to the Jews to provide an outline on how they are to live righteously.Additionally, there are what are called the "Noahide Laws". These are 7 core guidelines for all the nations of the world to live by which include such things as establishing just legal and court systems and the prohibition against murder.
Answer # 3
All of this bouncing around between secular definitions of men, is mind boggling. Open a King James Bible and read Exodus chapter 20 and you will find the commandments our Father gave to Moses written there. Now wasn't that a lot simpler ?
Answer # 3 ends
Catholic AnswerThere are numerous commandments, I believe that the first five books of The Bible contain a total of 613 commandments, the Ten Commandments contained in Exodus XX and again in Deuteronomy are the most famous. The two overriding Commandments given by Our Blessed Lord in Matthew, chapter 22 beginning in verse 37 are to "love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and ..." and the second to love your neighbor as yourself.The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments were only 10 of the moral laws of the Hebrews. Jewish tradition holds that there are 613 commandments in total.
Yes; Divine laws.
The Ten Commandments.
The ten commandments were given to Moses, sothat the Hebrew would follow gods laws.
In Exodus 31:18 the Ten Commandments are called the terms of the covenant. Also in Exodus 34:28, the explicit name 'Ten Commandments' is applied to the laws that were written on the stone tablets. The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue.In Matthew 5:21 the Ten Commandments are also referred to as the Laws of Moses.
the Ten Commandments.
ten commandments
The Ten Commandments are a specific set of moral and religious laws presented in the Bible, while mosaic laws refer to the broader body of laws found in the Torah or Hebrew Bible, which includes civil, ritual, and moral laws given to the Israelites by Moses. The Ten Commandments are a subset of the larger mosaic laws.
A covenant is a promise. The Ten Commandments are laws you follow to keep covenants.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments