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The real Ten Commandments should inclide the words "Thou should not even think of ..."
In other words Though should not even think of believing in other God's, or Thou should not even think to covet thy neighbours wife and so on.
God is saying even to think of doing something is just as bad as doing it.

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14y ago
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13y ago
A:The Ten Commandments are, of course, real religious and moral principles, although the moral rules are only stated in the most general form and the religious ones assume the existence of one God. The Bible says that they were handed to Moses by God himself.

As to whether the biblical history of the Ten Commandments is real, and therefore whether they are really of divine origin, there is no evidence that the Ten Commandments ever existed outside the Bible. In fact, the strong consensus of biblical scholars is that there never was an Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible, in which case the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God can not be historical. The Ten Commandments belong to traditions put down in writing during the middle centuries of the first millennium BCE.

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10y ago

They are real. No one knows today where they are, despite sensational claims to the contrary. Even 1800 years ago, the Talmud-sages discussed this question (Yoma 53b). The Talmud (ibid.) states two opinions in this matter. According to one opinion, the Ark of the Covenant was carried off by the Babylonians when they destroyed the First Temple.
According to the second opinion, around 35 years before the First Destruction, King Josiah (Yoshiah) hid the Ark in a secret chamber constructed for this purpose, since it was already apparent that the Temple wouldn't last much longer. The Prophets had been foretelling the destruction of the Temple for some time.
Tradition states that when he built the Temple, King Solomon prepared a hidden shaft and room deep underneath the Temple Mount for just such an eventuality (Maimonides, in the Hilchot Beit HaBechirah 4:1).
The second opinion is the accepted one (Maimonides, ibid, 4:1-2). However, it is possible to account for both opinions, since all of the Temple vessels had duplicates which were made in order to be used if the original vessel got lost or defiled (Talmud, Hagigah 26b). We may postulate that the Babylonians carried into captivity an empty duplicate Ark which had been placed in the Holy of Holies after King Josiah concealed the original.

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Where are the stones with the ten commandments?

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