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No not even close. They do not believe that Jesus is the son of God.


Muslim faith is based on the following principles:

  • Ritual worship and following Islam five pillars. Refer to the related question below for more information.
  • Having faith in the oneness of God, God angels, all God prophets (including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace upon them), all God holy books (including Psalms, Torah, Bible, and Quran), Day of Judgment, and Destiny.
  • Following Islam morals Guided by Quran and Sunna (Prophet Muhammad sayings and practices) and considering the Quran Golden rules. Refer to the related question below for more information.
  • Performing good deeds for community and mankind benefit.

Refer to the related questions listed below for more information on Islam morals and ethics as well as the Islam pillars of faith and why Quran was revealed and Golden rules of Quran.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

NO! although Christians and Muslims are similar in many ways, there are come very big differences! like Christians believe Jesus was the son of god, but Muslims believe he has a Prophet of god!

AnswerIf you mean 'can a person born a Muslim become a Christian if he converts' then the answer is, of course, 'yes'. Many Muslims become Chriistians every day as they move away from Islam and embrace Jesus Christ as their Saviour. However, this tends only to happen a lot in free countries as many Islamic states ban Christian activities, and in some conversion to Christianity carries heavy legal punishment - even death - under Shariah Law.
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Q: Are the Muslims considered to be of the Christian faith?
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Ramadan. The five pillars (for Sunni Muslims) include fasting, and Ramadan is the time of fasting. Shia Muslims have fasting as one of their practices rather than a pillar of faith.

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