The time for celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation is Easter.
IT IS A WASTE of time because it is not necessary to do it is a waste of time
history is a waste of time.
It is a waste of time!
Frequent the Sacraments, especially Reconciliation & Eucharist/Mass, and make time daily to pray to Our Lord to do His will and grow in holiness. Spiritually strengthening Grace is the free gift you receive, from The Holy Spirit, via the Sacraments.
yup ....... a waste of time
Dont waste your time or time will waste you!
The sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. The sacraments of service are Holy Orders and Matrimony. The sacraments of healing are Reconciliation and Extreme Unction.
Seems to me that all sport-as-entertainment is a waste of time.
yessir it sure is. but it is the best possible waste of time.
Time to Waste was created on 2005-06-27.
My Favorite Waste of Time was created in 2007.