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One View:According to The Bible -- No.

Mankind was NOT created as robots, or mere pawns. Neither are we predestined.

Mankind was created 'in God's image'. This tells us that we have a semblance of the same qualities and attributes of our Father / Creator.

Regarding 'FREE-WILL':

When God created living, intelligent beings; he invented for them the concept of 'free-will'. But 'free-will' -- does not mean 'free-for-all'.

The concept of 'free-will' needs to be understood in relation to other factors about having 'existence'.

For everything there are consequences; -- even for the way we use our free-will.

For example: Mankind is CONFINED BY LAWS. We were created that way. Gravity is one such law. While we have free-will to jump off a tall building, there will be consequences for the use of such free will. Likewise with other things, including moral requirements.

Regarding predestination: Remember we are made 'in God's image'. God is love, therefore we have the capacity to understand things about love. Would it be 'loving' for a father to tell his son, not to eat from the tree; but knowing full well that he created him to do just that? That's called hypocritcal; cruel; deceitful.

Therefore by deduction, IF us humans would not be like that - - and since we're made in God's image, this tells us that neither would God be like that. Mankind is not greater or better than God.

See LINK below. (Type 'Predestination' into Search box; check the first item; but any item would do.)

More info:The Torah includes a specific passage on the subject of the existence of free-will, responsibility and consequences. Deuteronomy 30:15-20.

Short Answer:

No, not at all. Even Pharaoh, who was a sinner like all mankind, first had had a rebellious nature which hardened his heart already (Exodus 8:15, 32). God merely 'pushed his buttons' - directing his nature for a particular reaction. It was Pharaoh's hubris and not predestination that led to his utter humiliation.

Jesus was another who was spoken about way before He became a man. Yet, Scripture tells us He willingly accepted the Messiah role before the foundations of the world. And there are others like Jeremiah and John the Baptist, the 144,000 of Revelation to name a few.

Predestination does not concern salvation or condemnation of the individual, rather it refers to the 'when' people are offered salvation. The firstfruits who will become the 'bride of Christ' are at the head of the line - not special in any way other than being used to do God's work in their lifetimes. Most all will then have their first real individual opportunity at the time of the Millennium or the Last Judgement process. Yet, all these people HAVE free will and they alone decide whether or not to repent and accept Jesus as their only Savior (Acts 2:38-39). Even for the firstfruits, they can remain in God's grace or reject the gift they received (Hebrews 2:1-3; 10:26-27, 35-36). But for these who reject it, there is no 2nd covering for them. They in effect, condemn themselves to the 2nd death - and not eternal hell fire as physical beings disintegrate in the Lake of Fire. Smoke and ashes are their remains as they no longer exist.

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