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According to Hobbes, in the absence of society, humans will act in their own best interests, this equates to a world full of anarchy and a perpetual war of everyone against everyone else. People will lie, cheat, kill, etc. just to further their own selfish interests. But that's just Hobbes.


Some religions such as Christianity have a doctrine of "original sin". This states that mankind has an intrinsic burden of evil that must be overcome. Others, like Buddhism, have concluded that mankind has an intrinsic "Buddha nature" that leads them into being good and that this nature must be encouraged to show itself.

Observation indicates that people do both good and evil things - or at least things which others interpret as good or evil. In reality people just do things. The things which we interpret as good are often more correctly described as altruistic (taking "one for the team") as these further the survival of the race of humanity rather than the individual. The human race has survived for a considerable period of time and it must be assumed that the positive benefits of this altruism (good) must outnumber the negative aspects. The human race, overall, must therefor exhibit more "good" than "evil"

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14y ago

Yes humans are really evil because they murder animals who have done nothing to them and wear animals for clothing. I mean... WTH?? Who can be so dumb to see that humans are just plain evil? If you agree, improve this answer and say what ever you want to say about humans. I have. I HATE HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!

Skrappycoco says :

Yes they are because they are destroying the environment and killing bugs, animals and the Earth. They only think that they are mostly important and some even says " Its just a dog!" But there are some very nice people out there who care about animals and the Earth etc. And humans do mean things to other humans...I mean really bad. O o

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becausee, supossibily he is the creater of earth so apparently, he created evill.

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Q: Are humans evil
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Are only humans evil or is nature evil?

It is a common Christian lore that humans are inherently evil, which then leads to claims that we can only be protected from our evil natures by being Christian. However, humans are not inherently evil, and those individuals who do evil things are just as likely to be Christian as not.Nature is neutral between good and evil. However, animals other than humans can be evil. For example, a savage dog can attack and kill, not for food or protection but simply because that dog wants to do so.

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Which animals are likely to be considered evil?

There is no scientifically proven concept of "evil" in animals. Animals typically act based on survival instincts and do not have a sense of morality like humans. However, animals that are considered dangerous to humans or that exhibit aggressive behavior may be perceived as "evil" by some people.

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Evil animals, like evil spiders and rats

Does Zeus bring good or evil to humans?

Mostly good but some evil as punishment.

What do you think evil is?

HUMANS- humans are evil because there purpose is to destroy each. Why because no one wants to see the other succeed in life period.