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Q: Are autopsies acceptable to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
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When was Adventist Church of Promise created?

Adventist Church of Promise was created in 1932.

Is there any seventh day adventist church in hangzhou china?

There may be an unofficial Adventist church in Wenzhou, however there is no official church listed in the official Adventist church directory

When was Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada created?

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada was created in 1863.

When was Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church created?

Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church was created in 1988.

Does the Seventh-day Adventist Church practice choir robe dedication?

While it is possible that individual Adventist churches dedicate their choir's robes, this is not an official practice of the Adventist Church.

What is an Adventist school?

An Adventist (or Seventh-day Adventist) school is an educational institution run by or affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Adventist Church has a worldwide educational system which includes elementary schools, high schools, and universities and is found in most countries on earth.

Can a couple get married in a church if one is from the Church of Christ and the other is from the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

== == If the church is only a setting for the wedding, almost anyone may be married in a church, generally speaking. Regarding the person who officiates, I don't know the rules in the Church of Christ, but an Adventist pastor would not be willing to perform a marriage between an Adventist and someone of another faith: in the Bible, it says to not be "unequally yoked," which for Adventists means that you shouldn't marry someone who has different beliefs. A Seventh-day Adventist pastor has to be ordained in order to be able to perform marriages. The position of the church is to marry a non-Adventist couple or an Adventist couple. Marring a non-Adventist with an Adventist is what the rule of the church does not allow. But there is the other option, civil marriage in court.

When was Hanson Place Seventh Day Adventist Church created?

Hanson Place Seventh Day Adventist Church was created in 1860.

Does the Adventist church accept gay people?

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church may accept gay people who are celibate, but does not recognize their need to form intimate bonds or get married. The Church expects them to remain alone for the rest of their lives.Homosexuality: the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Is the Adventist church richer than the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo.

Does the Seventh-day Adventist church have a liturgical calendar?


Was Paul Harvey a Christian?

He was baptised into a seventh day adventist church in the year 2000.