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At the present moment, there is a lack of substantial evidence to prove that atheists or agnostics are more successful than the theistic population, but because atheists reject the notion of an afterlife and acknowledge that they only have one life before death, this MAY lead them to realistically think in goal oriented ways which would eventually motivate them to accomplish as much as they can in order to succeed and enjoy life to its fullest level before they die.

However there is a correlation that demonstrates that nations that are mostly atheistic or secular (such as Sweden, France, the Netherlands, and Japan) all have some of the highest standard of living ratings in the world. So it seems that more irreligious countries (or secular countries) all have increased wealth (higher GDP rates) and better qualities of life. It has also been empirically proven that atheists tend to be more educated and have higher IQs.

Also, more irreligious (secular) nations have lower prison populations, higher rates of education and lower crime rates on average compared to more religious nations-in which, antithetically, more pious nations are characterized by a profusion of cultural and scientific deterioration, retrogression and subordination of women.

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Q: Are atheists more successful in life?
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American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.American atheists are not homophobic as a class. In fact, the reader wonders at the source of your statistics.

Atheist's views on human life?

Atheists cannot be lumped together, we are not 'organized' into one doctrine. Each of us may hold various views on "human life".I am not entirely certain what you mean to ask in this question--are you wondering if atheists value human life?The atheists i know DO value human life, and love their families, and have strong inner moral compasses, (possibly because they are so often accused of being IMmoral?), they tend to be highly moral people, the ones I've known have almost all been that way. But, i do not know all atheists..Although, I'm sure, there is an obnoxious atheist somewhere that i haven't met yet, ha ha.Are you asking our views on evolution? Most atheists do believe in science, and evidence, and thus most atheists do believe in the carbon-dated evidence for human evolution, as well as modern evolution. (which explains why the germ that USED to be killed off by Amoxicillin is now immune--the germ evolved).Again, i want to emphasize, i am speaking of the atheists i know and have crossed paths with, but in no way can anyone lump all atheists together, we are all individuals and do not subscribe to any one doctrine.Atheism is not an ideology, nor does it adhere to any specific doctrine, ideology, or postulate; therefore, there is not a single set of views on human life that all (or even the majority of) Atheists follow. Philosophically, some Atheists are Humanists, Existentialists, and Nihilists. Perceptively, Atheists can be misanthropes, optimists, pessimists, and idealists. Since Atheism as an absence of theistic belief, no religious or theistic views toward human life are assigned. Nonetheless, the views of Atheists depend on the individual and not the label.