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No. Although both bishops and cardinals have their own roles within the church, there is a heirachy within the church. Basically, bishops are the head a a diocese (a group of churches across a region), a cardinal on the other hand has an additional responsibility that when a pope needs to be selected they are able to be part of the college of cardinals who do the voting.

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12y ago

A Cardinal can vote for a new Pope, a Bishop cannot.

Roman Catholic AnswerActually, that is about it, as mentioned above, a cardinal is appointed to the position to enable him to vote in papal elections. Most of the Cardinals are Bishops. Occasionally, a priest is given the rank of Cardinal for some special service to the Church. Unless he is overage and specifically requests not, he is ordained a Bishop when he is appointed to the Cardinalate.
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15y ago

A Cardinal is an honorific title. There have, in history, been Cardinals who have not been priests. The Ordinary [Bishop - one who is charge of a diocese or archdiocese] would report directly to Rome. The Auxiliary Bishop [ a 'helping' bishop, who acts as the "Ordinary's" representative reports to his "Ordinary']. Both Ordinary and Auxiliary Bishops are members of the USCCB [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.]

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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerNo, most Cardinals are chosen from the rank of Bishop, but not always. However, usually if a priest is chosen as a Cardinal, he is immediately consecrated as a Bishop with a few exceptions. Not so long ago, Pope John Paul II chose Avery Dulles, S.J., and Jesuit priest as a Cardinal in honor of his long, distinguished career in the Church. Jesuits normally do not take any advanced office or honor within the Church - that is part of their charism. Fr. Dulles petitioned the Holy Father to not be ordained a Bishop due to his advanced age, and this was granted.
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13y ago

A cardinal is just a bishop who has been given the title of cardinal by the pope. A cardinal can vote for a new pope but a bishop can not.

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