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Given that many Adventists are vegetarians and most advocate a healthy lifestyle, it seems likely.

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Q: Are Seventh-day Adventists healthier than most people?
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What percent of people say there eating healthier?

About 69.76% most people think they are but they really are eating worse

Do Seventh-day Adventists have to have a beard?

No. There is no requirement for Adventists to have beards. Cultural norms are usually followed in this area by Adventists around the world. It is true that in most pictures of the Adventist pioneers, the men have beards, but that is simply because wearing a beard was the cultural norm for men in the time and place in which the pioneers lived.

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Most do; but the Seventh Day Adventists encourage their followers to be vegetarian.

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Most likely to make people think they were getting something healthier. While whole wheat is healthier, a Duncan Hines blueberry muffin is not health food.

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People who play sports stay healthier then the average person. studies indicate healthy people will most likely live longer

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Tomato sauce is lower in fat that cream sauce. Most people agree that less fat is healthier.

Why don't Adventists go to parties?

Well...It depends on the party. If the party is made up of innocent fun, such as table games or a movie, and is held in a neutral location like a person's house, most Adventists would be okay with going. However, if the party includes drinking, etc. or is held in an inappropriate place like a bar, etc., most Adventists would not feel comfortable going, because most Adventists don't drink and the Adventist health message strongly discourages consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other damaging substances, and because some locations can have a negative influence on an individual.

When do Seventh-day Adventists clean their house of bread?

Presumably this question is referring to the feast of Passover. Official Adventist theology does not celebrate any of the feast days commanded in the Torah. Therefore most Adventists never clean their house of bread.

What are motivations to weight loss?

Most people's motivation to lose weight, no matter how shallow, is still to look better, or fit in that "outfit". Other people choose to lose weight to be healthier.

What percentage of Seventh-day Adventists believe in Ellen White?

The number of Adventists who believe in Ellen White must be fairly large, especially since the church as an institution holds her in high regard. It would not be surprising if the number were lower in the US than in other countries, for example, but it is safe to say that most Adventists outside the US believe in her. I would guess that the worldwide percentage is somewhere around 85% or more. Many Adventists would be surprised by the question, assuming that all Adventists believe in her. Many have been brought to the church through her writings. Critics and skeptics of her within the church have always been in the minority. Another answer: The percentage of Seventh-Day Adventists who believe in Ellen White is less than 20%.

Where do most adventist live?

Seventh-day Adventists live pretty much anywhere; their scattered around here and there in different states.