

Best Answer

No, the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church as separate religions, although they are very similar theologically. These two groups each have their own hierarchy and are run independently of each other.


Catholic AnswerNo. First of all, Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. Secondly, the Catholic Church was established by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, on the apostle Peter in order to save all people and lead them into all truth. The Anglican Church was established 1500 years later by King Henry the Eighth in England because he could not abide by the moral teachings of Our Blessed Lord given by His Church. It is a branch of the protestant heresy.
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Q: Are Roman Catholic and Anglican the same thing?
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No WAY!!! The Anglican church is probably one of the closER Protestant "branch religions" to the Catholic Church, but it is still a Protestant religion. The Anglican church is missing some of the MOST key factors that "make" the Catholic Church Catholic. So "no, they are most definitely NOT the same."

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yes they are decorated they are almost the same as catholic churches!

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The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Same is 10,000 square kilometers.

Does pope and papacy mean the same thing?

No, the pope is the head of the papacy, the papacy is the government of the Roman Catholic Church.

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