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No. Jews are no more materialistic than any other group of people. The idea that prevails in society that Jews value material things is a derivative of the Anti-Semitic myth of Jews having an affinity and love of money. In reality, it is much easier to diagnose a person's materialism by their wealth, not their religion. Wealthier Jews tend to be more materialistic than the majority of Jews (who are Middle or Lower Middle Class). This is no different than what we see among Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists.

Jewish religion and tradition actually emphasizes the spiritual connection that Jews are to have with God and this should obviate concerns with the material. As a result, we find a correspondingly smaller proportion of Orthodox Jews among the "Wealthy Jew" group than their overall proportion within Judaism.

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No, Jews are no more materialistic than anybody else. It is just an antisemitic stereotype which has been around forever.

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