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No, we just figure they are trying to repeal vampires. Besides Catholics don't usually wear crosses, usually, they wear crucifixes.

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Q: Are Catholics offended when non-Catholics wear crosses?
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Jews would probably not be offended by catholics wearing a mezuza. A Jew would not wear a Mezuza, since it's place is in the entrance to a domicile (on the right). Most probably a Jew would be amused by the ignorance of the catholic in using the Mezuza as a pendant, and attribute it to a lack of knowledge, or a misguided belief in spiritualism.

Can you wear two different crosses at once?

Sure. You can wear as many as you want.

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I wouldn't be and I'm from Jordan.

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the religion where they wear the inverted crosses is the one related to belief in the anti-christ.

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Some religions wear crosses as jewelery, or as clothing (eg., crosses on T'shirts). Jews sometimes wear prayer shawls called "Tallit".

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Crosses, I would imagine.

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You can do whatever you want.

Do Jehovah Witnesses wear crusifixes?

No. Jehovah's Witnesses do not wear crosses which they view as symbols of pagan worship.

What do catholics wear to celebrate or practice their relegion?

Normal clothes.