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Neither priests nor bishops nor any clergy men are allowed to get married as per the Roman Catholic Church rules. If someone wants to get married then they have to leave their holy life (i.e. priesthood) and live life like a lay person and get married.

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Q: Are Bishops allowed to get married?
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No. Bishops are not allowed to be married and the pope is a bishop.

Is the bishop married?

The bible states that bishops should be married. But the catholic church do not allow their fathers, and bishops to get married.

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Answer Catholic Bishops are not allowed to marry

Priest and bishop be allowed to get married?

They are not allowed to get married. Only the deacons are allowed to be married.

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Can Episcopal clergy marry?

Sure a bishop can marry. See for yourself at 1 Timothy 3:2. However, he should be a husband of one wife. In the Roman Catholic Church Bishops are taken from the priests and conscecrated. The current ruling in the Catholic Church is that Bishops may not be married. There have been at different times in the Church men ordained to the priesthood who have been married - currently we have ordained priests from the Episcopal church who are married. But in the Latin rite and in other rites, such as the Maronites, these married priests are never considering for the bishopric. All men when ordained to any major order in the church take a vow of celibacy which means that if ordained as a deacon and their wife dies, they may not remarry. So, there may be married priests or deacons, but not bishops; and no ordained clergy could ever get married. As the first contributer above pointed out, there were married Bishops in the first century, but Bishops could not get married

Should the pope be allowed to appoint French bishops?

The pope appoints all bishops so as to prevent governments from interfering with Church matters. China, however, does not allow the pope to choose bishops and they are selected by the government. The Catholic Church has little freedom in China.

Who is allowed to adminiser the catholic sacrament of matrimony?

Bishops, priests, and deacons in good standing with the Cathoiic Church

Do the bishops of the Church of England marry?

I can certainly answer that question! I am an Episcopalian and its perfectly OK for not only deacons and priests to marry, but Bishops as well, throught the Anglican Communion. The Archbishop of Canterbury, is married and has several children. Its only in the Roman Catholic Church, where absolute celibacy is practiced for all clergy-no exceptions! In the Eastern Orthodox Church, one can enter the priesthood, if he is already married. I am not sure if their bishops are allowed to be consecrated if they are married. They are much more conservative than the Anglican Church. We believe that the Anglican Communion, represents the 3rd branch of christendom, the Roman and Orthodox, being the other two. We also look to the Archbishop of Canterbury, as our spiritual leader but is not infallible as claimed by the Papacy.

Could orthodox priests get married?

As a matter of fact, they do, though some choose to make a vow of celibacy. Priests are allowed to marry. It is their choice. Bishops however, if I'm not mistaken, are the only ones that take the vow of celebacy. Yes monks too, but they are not clergy.

Where aren't you allowed to get married?

simple as YOU ARE.