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Al Qur'an. So .... how is akhlak Muhammad? read Al Qur'an and read Muhammad say about all connected with all items of Al Qur'an, called Hadist.

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Q: Akhlak nabi Muhammad saw
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Keuchik Hasan Lamgawe has written: 'Hikayat wafeut Nabi Muhammad, saw'

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The closest friend of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Hazrat Abu Bakr RAU had already arranged two camels for this purpose. They travelled on those two camels to Madina.

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Hazrat Issa will now come as a follower (Ommati) of Nabi Muhammed (SAW).

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Prophet Muhammad saw had 4 daughters .

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Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a shepherd and a trader.

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Hazrat Uthman was son in law of H Muhammad saw .

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What are the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad saw?

Hazrat Muhammad saw was sent by Allah as a messenger to the whole mankind. There are so many teachings of Holy Prophet saw by his action and by his saying...

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Second name of Muhammad saw is Ahmad saw.

How does the Ahmadiya Faith differ from the Sunni faith?

some differences between Islam and Ahmadiyyat (Qadianism) are :Ahmadiyyat is based on the belief that Mirza was an improved second reincarnation of hazrat Muhammad(SAW)they reject the concept of absolute Finality of Prophethood in hazrat Muhammad(SAW), as confirmed in Quran, Hadith,Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(SAW).they maintain that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a Prophet (nabi and rasul) of Allah.they reject the concept of completion of the revelations of Allah(SWT) in the Holy Quran.they maintain that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was "the promised Messiah".and also the promised Mahdi (guided one).

Who did SIHR or black magic to MUHAMMAD NABI in the Story of the Holy Prophet Getting Bewitched in Islamic history?

It is a controversial aspect of the life of the Holy Prophet SAW. Some of the scholars believe that the Jews tried to influence the holy Prophet SAW through witchcraft and they succeeded in doing so for some time. Some say that they conspired but failed. Some say that Allah Almighty made Hazrat Muhammad SAW pass through all kinds of test and turmoils, including witchcraft. Anyhow, the two last Suras of the holy Qur'an are a shield against witchcraft.