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Q: Advancing religion in the African transition zone?
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What countries are located in the African Transition Zone?

Niger, Mali, Somalia, and Mauritania are located in the African Transition Zone. The African Transition Zone is so named because the climate and topography changes ecosystems.

What countries make up the African transition zone?

The African Transition Zone is where the arid deserts of the north transition into the more tropical south. Countries which fall into this zone include Niger, Chad, Sudan and Mali.

The African Transition Zone?

The African transition zone is called the Sahel. This area is were the Sahara transitions into the Savannah. This area is under threat from overgrazing and poor farming techniques.

Is Tanzania located in the African transition zone?

No tanzania is not in the ATZ.

What countries are located in African Transition Zone?

Islamic front

Most countries in the African transition zone have what kind of population in the north?

Countries in the African transition zone typically have populations that are Muslim in the north due to the influence of Arab traders and the spread of Islam. The north of these countries often has a different culture, language, and religion compared to the rest of the country.

Is the Sahel and the African transition zone the same?

Yes both are the same!

What is located in the African Transition Zone?

Ethipoia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia

What is the southern periphery of the African transition zone known as?

It is known as the Islamic Front

Why is it called the African Transition Zone?

The African Transition Zone is named as such because its climate and environment transitions from the arid Saharan Desert to the tropical climate in the south. The Transition Zone runs through the countries Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia.

Which of the following is located in the African Transition Zone?

The African transition zone known as Sahel is one of the nation's eight major geographic regions boasting its own unique mix of flora and fauna. It is located in northern Africa and is so named because its long, narrow shape creates a transition zone between the Sahara and the savanna.

What are Clear access routs into and out of chemical zones used to avoid contamination are called?

zone transition pointszone transition points