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The belief of rebirth according to which when you die you are born again with a new body in a new form. You can take any form based on your karma's (deeds) of your past life. Any form here means you can be a animal, inset, reptile, etc. or human based on your deeds. Mostly good deeds get the being the form of a human. When bad deeds outweigh the bad deeds, then the being (soul) is incarnated in the form of animal, insect, reptile, etc.

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According to Hinduism after a person dies his soul takes another birth. This belief is called Reincarnation (punarjanma).

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Spirit becomes another person

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Q: According to Hindu belief what happens to a person's soul after death?
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What happens to a person's soul after death according to Hindu beliefs?

According to Hinduism after a person dies his soul takes another birth. This belief is called Reincarnation (punarjanma).

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In Reincarnation according to Hindu belief continues until .?

the soul reaches its highest spiritual level

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Not actually, but they believe that actions effect their reincarnation. Bad activities takes you away from spiritual maturity.

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No. A Muslim can not marry a Hindu - under any circumstances - until the Hindu renounces their belief and becomes a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian (those who believe in the One God of Abraham).No

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What are common Hindu beliefs?

a Hindu belief is reincarnation and it is the belief that you can come back as something useful in the next life if you are successful in the first

What Hindu belief is still followed by many but was outlawed in 1947?

no this is not true, Hindu belief were never outlawed. They are still practiced today in india.