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Virtue ethics

The idea is to focus on developing the most virtuous character, rather than on what to do and what not to do. It's what you are on the inside that counts.

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Have a look at Buddhism

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Q: A moral theory that focuses mainly on how to be not on what to do?
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Moral theory that focuses mainly on consequences?


What is the definition of deontology?

de·on·tol·o·gy (dē'ŏn-tŏl'ə-jē)n.Ethical theory concerned with duties and rights.Deontology is also the moral theory that focuses mainly on one's intentions.Deontology is also a moral theory that focuses mainly on an acy of being universalizable.Above retrieved from Answers.ocmViper1

Which moral theory focuses mainly on an act being universalizable Relativism Virtue ethics Utilitarianism Deontology?


What theory that focuses mainly on how to be not on what to do?


Is Deontology a moral theory that focuses mainly on one's intentions?

Yes, deontology is a moral theory that places emphasis on the intent behind one's actions rather than the consequences. It asserts that the moral rightness of an action is determined by adherence to rules or duties, rather than the outcomes of those actions.

What is character based theory?

focuses on the moral character of the person performing action

What theory focuses on the beliefs attitudes and moral values of those in power?

social reaction

True or false Deontology is a moral theory that focuses mainly on consequences?

it's more about individual perception than consequences. It is also provably logically invalid and no longer held by professional philosophers so a more accurate statement would be 'Moral Relativism focused mainly on individual perception.'

Which moral theory focuses mainly on an act being universalizable?

The first formulation of Kant's categorical imperative "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

What is teleological moral theory?

Teleological moral theory is a theory that judges the morality of an action based on its consequences or outcomes. It focuses on the end result or goal of the action rather than the action itself. Common forms of teleological moral theories include consequentialism and utilitarianism.

How is erikson and kohlberg different?

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development focuses on the crises individuals face at different stages of life and how they shape personality. Kohlberg's theory of moral development, on the other hand, looks at how individuals develop their understanding of morality through stages of reasoning and moral dilemmas. While Erikson's theory is broader and includes both social and emotional development, Kohlberg's theory specifically focuses on moral reasoning.

Moral theory that focuses on an act being universalizable?

Kant's theory of Moral Imperatives is based around the idea of good actions being those that could be universal and not lead to negative/self-contradictory results.