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Q: A ceremony to drive out the devil or evil spirit?
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What is a 5 letter word for an evil spirit?


What is exorcise?

To drive out an evil spirit.

Synonyms for demon?

evil spirit, devil, fiend, goblin, ghoul, malignant spirit, atua, wizard

What does akuma mean in japanese?

devil, demon, fiend, Satan, evil spirit

What is the English translation of the Fijian word tevoro?

1. Demon or devil; 2. (devil) names are Moro, Tatanasui or Dakuwaqa; 3. an evil spirit

What is evil and the devil?

"Evil" is generically the opposite of "good", and is a label applied to something morally or ethically wrong. A more specific definition is the capacity to deliberately inflict harm or injury to another. Synonyms in this instance are malicious or wicked.A "devil" is an evil or malicious spirit or demon. Capitalized, the "Devil" is synonymous with Satan, the personification of evil and the antagonist to God in Christian and other religions.

What is a Japanese fire demon called?

Akuma Aku = an evil. wickedness. wrong. a vice.Ma = a demon. a devil. an evil spirit. evil.

What was the original meaning of demon?

A spirit, or immaterial being, holding a middle place between men and deities in pagan mythology., One's genius; a tutelary spirit or internal voice; as, the demon of Socrates., An evil spirit; a devil.

What are the evil spirit names in the Bible?

If by 'evil spirit' you mean demons, the Bible does not tell us the names of any of them.The term 'Satan the devil' is used in the Bible, but is not a name.'Satan' is a descriptive title meaning 'opposer' and'Devil' is a title meaning: slandererHe is not worthy of being remembered by name, and none of the other demons are named.Another Answer:Any spirit except the Holy Spirit is evil. For there's only one spirit God gave us and that is the Holy Spirit.

What does the idiom full of the devil mean?

The devil is evil, so if you're full of the devil you are acting in a bad or evil way.

Is there really a devil?

The devil is the major personified spirit of evil in many religions. Depicted as the Ruler of hell, Satan or Lucifer stands against God. The devil is a demon, a wicked spirit in Hell trying to lure people into evil wrongdoing and thereby rob them of heaven. He is one who can cause trouble or damage. Note 1: Not all religions believe in a devil or Satan. They have alternate explanations about why evil exists in the world. Note 2: Many belief systems or religions use symbolism and metaphor. Satan/the devil are both symbols of evil, not a true spirit or 'angel'. Fallen angel is also symbolic speech for something opposite of "angel" and in this line of thought, angel is also just a symbol for goodness. However, whether you believe angels and demons are real, or symbolic, is a matter of personal beliefs and the faith/religion you believe.

When the witch called Samuel was that Samuel or an evil spirit?

an evil spirit