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I dont know much about the Muslim faith, but I do know that the Adventist church does not forbid us to marry other religions. However, The Bible does state that we should be equally yoked in our marriages, which basically means that it would make things a lot easier if you were both on the same page spiritually

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A Muslim and an Adventist can marry. Some Adventists Pastors would not officate at the wedding thoguh.

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Can Muslims marry outside their religon?

It depends.Per Islam teachings and rules:For a Muslim man, he can marry only a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish girlFor a Muslim girl, she can marry only a Muslim man. She can't marry a man outside her religion.

Who may a Muslim marry?

A Muslim man may marry a Muslim woman. He is permitted to marry a Christian or Jew woman provide she still believes in the oneness of Almighty Allah. A Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man.

Do Muslim girls have to marry a Muslim boy?

Yes, a Muslim girl has to marry only a Muslim boy. She is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim boy. Refer to question below for more details.

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no cauz as SDA u not suppose to marry someone that doesnt share your beliefs.. Yes, he is a 7th day Adventist. He did marry an unbeliever but that doesn't make him not an SDA.

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No, a Muslim woman can't marry a non Muslim man (Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox, Hindus, ...). She can marry only a Muslim man.

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It's the best way.

Can Greek Orthodox marry a Muslim?

Yes, A Muslim man can marry a Greek Orthodox woman. However, a Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man and can not marry a Greek Orthodox man. Refer to question below.

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Per religion, a Muslim man can marry a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish woman but a Muslim woman can marry only a Muslim man, from an informed man

Can a Muslim marry another Muslim?

Of course.

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Yes, Nick will marry a Muslim girl if he is Muslim or he converts to Islam with sincere faith.

Will any kind of preacher marry a Christian girl and Muslim man?

Answer: A Muslim man may marry a Jewish or Christian woman. Any Muslim Imam will marry them.