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For the central theses, common descent and natural selection, no evidence is missing: they are supported by overwhelming amounts of data, more than would ever be needed to convince a reasonable observer that they are at least basically accurate. But evolutionary theory also has many peripheral hypotheses that are yet to be proven accurate, or need further refinement - or even rejection. As with all sciences, research into these details continues.

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14y ago

Not sure about the "17" at the start of the question!

The main thing that was seen as missing (by Darwin) was transitional fossils. He predicted that fossil evidence would support the theory that species could change, as luck would have it, archaeopteryx was discovered very soon after 1859 (in 1860/61) which was a fossil of a creature with feathers (like birds) but teeth and bony tail (like reptiles).

The main thing missing from the theory from a modern viewpoint is genetics; Darwin thought that offspring resembled their parents because of the "mixing of blood" between the parents - this was unusually vague for Darwin. Ironically, he had been sent a paper by Mendel (the father of genetics) which, if he'd had it translated from the German and understood its significance would have provided good support for his theory.

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