

Best Answer

It is generally not recommended to cite an encyclopedia in academic papers, as they are considered secondary sources containing general knowledge. It is better to cite primary sources or scholarly articles for more authoritative and in-depth information. If you must use an encyclopedia for background information, try to verify the information with other more credible sources.

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Q: Would you submit a paper that cites an encyclopedia?
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Would you submit a paper to your instructor that cites a wiki as a source?

It would be a rare occurrence to cite sources that are non peer reviewed within an essay but that does not mean it should never happen. If a wiki puts forward a popular point of view, perhaps a reference to it might be appropriate to show that the point of view exists. To cite a wiki to support arguments set out in the paper would be unlikely to impress an instructor. There are almost always better sources to cite and if there aren't, it is worth considering why no other source has the same view.

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The Encyclopedia Britannica would be most appropriate reference materials for gaining information for a research paper on a complex process. :) God bless you!

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not worth the paper it is printed on

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What site can you go to submit a scientific paper for free?

Quantropy is a site to which anyone can submit an academic style paper. It is set up to allow feedback from selected advisors, giving advice on how to progress with your paper, and allows a link to a discussion page.

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What leeway do you need if your paper is due next class Factor in a day or two for revisions and then determine the possible day you can submit the paper for veview?

. What leeway do you need if your paper is due next class? Factor in a day or two for revisions and then determine the last possible day you can submit the paper for review.

What is a background research paper?

It means research that supports your thesis, your main idea. You can get this information online, from an encyclopedia, or from a book, as long as you properly cite it in a bibliography. Otherwise it would be plagiarism!

Should you pay for the paper encyclopedia?

It is unnecessary to pay for a paper encyclopedia in this digital age where information is readily available online for free. Online encyclopedias provide the same information with more up-to-date content and access to a wealth of additional resources.