In APA formatting, acronyms can be used as abbreviations if they are defined the first time they are used in text. Standard abbreviations like "et al." for et alia, "etc." for et cetera, "p." for page, and "vol." for volume are also commonly used. It is important to ensure that the abbreviation is widely recognized and understood by readers.
Since you didn't include the abbreviations in the question we cannot answer
When you're sure your readers will know what the abbreviations stand for =]
Abbreviations .com is the largest resource for acronyms and abbreviations. Each entry is broken down into categories for easy searching.
Acronyms are abbreviations used in a paper.
Since you didn't include the abbreviations in the question we cannot answer
mearsetring people
failure to document sources used in an apa paper
There are several abbreviations that are used for ministry. One is min, which is the most intuitive abbreviations. Others include OLM, NSM, and Miny.