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it was the tenth amendment

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3mo ago

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution was included to address concerns that the powers not delegated to the federal government would be reserved to the states and the people. It aimed to protect the authority of the states by explicitly stating that any powers not given to the federal government are retained by the states or the people.

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Q: Which amendment to the constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government?
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The purpose of the Amendment to the Constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government?

The TENTH Amendment - not, strictly speaking, a part of the Bill of Rights - was designed to mollify those who feared that the states would be destroyed by the new government. ~text book~

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quiet, satisfy, mollify, pacify

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To pacify.

Could you give a sentence using mollify in it?

"She was furious about the snowplows destruction of her mailbox, but when the city clerk told her they carried insurance for such incidents, and it would be replaced quickly at no charge, it did mollify her somewhat."

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mollis means "soft" as in the English mollify

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A homophone for the word "modify" is "mollify".

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Antonyms: "placate" or "mollify". Synonyms: "enflame" or "infuriate".