Modern Language Association was created in 1883.
The "MLA" abbreviation stands for Modern Language Association style the most frequent use of which is found when writing papers in liberal arts and humanities.
Modern Language Association
MLA = Modern Language Association
Modern language association of America
MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is a system or style of documenting sources in academic writing, commonly used in language arts and other humanities disciplines.
Modern Language Association invented the MLA format.
MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is a common formatting style used for writing and citing sources in academic papers.
"MLA" stands for the Modern Language Association of America. This is a long-standing, highly reputable organization in existence since 1883. It is primarily used within the humanities, and in particular for papers on the topics of literature and language arts.
13 Sep 2010 1883, the Modern Language Association (MLA) was founded.
The Modern Language Association (MLA) was founded in 1883 by a group of language and literature scholars. Today, the organization is responsible for developing the MLA style for writing and documentation.