I've nearly got 3000, but I've seen someone at my church with about 27,000 (and counting!). I did some quick searches, and there's someone with 326,000 emails. http://recordsetter.com/world-record/unread-emails-an-inbox/3440
'Unread' is an adjective that describes something that has not been read.
I have 38850
the unread emails are in bold print
The unwritten rule of their friendship was to always support each other no matter what.
No, "unread" is an adjective used to describe something that has not been read. It is not a past tense verb form.
Google highlights the mail that are unread by user. After reading, it makes them in normal text. They are saved because the person might need it for future use.
NetZero was founded in October 1998. It is an internet service provider that also offers free web-based email. It does bounce emails that sit unread in a mailbox for over six months.
open the email and click "mark as unread"
unread messages are messages that have never been opened or mark as read basically not read