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Annika S. got 2045 one handed pogo stick jumps

i have nevr tried to reach a one handed record but i would say i would get around 2000 because my 2handed record is 10121

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The world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps is 206 jumps in one minute, achieved by Ashrita Furman from the USA in 2018.

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Q: What is the world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps?
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What is the world record for kids pogo stick jumps?

6.957.000 Jumps I Think A Good Record

What is the world record for the most no handed pogo stick jumps?

peter gately did 10121 jumps without stopping

Whats the most amount of jumps on a pogo stick?

the average jumps on a pogo stick is....... 30 to 50 but if u would do a record its 1,700 yep that was a tricky question 206,864 is the world record and it was set by James Roumeli in California. James jumped for 20 hours and 13 minuets!

What is is the world record for jumping up and down in one spot?

The Guinness World Record for the most jumps on a pogo stick in one hour is 88,047 jumps, achieved by James Roumeliotis (USA) on July 25, 2019.

What is the world record for most pogo stick jumps one legged with both hands?

Annika S. got 150 one legged with both hands pogo stick jumps! 5/12/10

Who has the World record pogo stick jumps?

The greatest number of consecutive jumps achieved on a pogo stick is 186,152, by James Roumeliotis (USA) in Massachusetts, USA on 22 - 23 September 2007. The attempt lasted 19 hours and 45 minutes. this information is from (where also other pogo stick records can be found).

World record for most jumps in jumpropeing?

20 jumps

What is the world record for most pogo stick bounces with no hands?

The world record for most pogo stick bounces with no hands is 206,864 bounces achieved by James Roumeliotis in 2010.

What is the world record for most farts in one day?

Annika S. got 3 records in one day, she has 5 total and she is 12 years old! The records she got in one day are: the world record for the most one-handed pogo stick jumps,the world record for the most no-handed pogo stick jumps, and the world record for the most one-legged pogo stick jumps with both hands.

What is the World record for pogosticking?

the world record for pogo sticking is: 4,367 JUMPS

What is the world record for most jumps on pogo stick?

Ashrita Furman of Jamaica, New York, USA set a distance record of 37.18 km (23.11 miles) in 12 hours 27 min on June 22, 1997 at Queensborough Community College Track, New York, USA.

What is the record number of pogo jumps for kids 7-10 years old?

My 8 year old daughter, Madison Mosely jumped continually 10,000+ just today. She just received the pogo stick two weeks ago! She wants to break every record there is! We are so proud! Go Maddie!! robert tully did 4000 pogo jumps April 24, 2011 1:05 PM - 1:26 PM Eight year old Skylar Davis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania jumped 2,101 consecutive jumps. She didn't set out to break any records, but once she got started, she just kept going, and going, and going.