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10mo ago

The world record for Bopit is held by John Johnstone with a score of 250 points.

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13y ago

the world record was held by Emma brown

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14y ago

The record at my house is 175

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Q: What is the world record for bopit?
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What is the record for playing bopit the longest?

Steven made it to 91 in October of 2010 !

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Do you get paid to do a world record?

No , people can try to beat a record then call in the world record people to see if they made a world record. I am unsure if after they win the world record They mite win some cash

What is the world record for the most acorns picked up?

the record is 537

In the game bopit to pass it to the next person do they say pass it or hand it?

It says pass. You can clearly hear the word pass if you put your ear up to it.

When was Record World created?

Record World was created in 1946.

When did Record World end?

Record World ended in 1982.

Why is an Olympic record not considered to be a world record?

An Olympic record is the greatest achieved in the Olympic games. A world record is the greatest achieved anywhere, ever. In some instances an Olympic record is also the world record.

If you brake an world record at the Olympics do you brake the olynpic record record?

Breaking a world record at the Olympics means you are breaking the world record, not just the Olympic record. Olympic records are specific to the Olympics event itself, whereas world records are recognized as the best performance in the world for that particular event.

Is an olympic record the same as a world record?

No they are not the same. A World Record can be broken at any time. Whereas an Olympic Record can only be broken at the Olympic Games (it's a glorified Meet Record.) Keep in mind that a World Record CAN be set at the Olympic Games (which would in turn, automatically break the Olympic Record as well.) A World Record outranks an Olympic Record.

What is current world record for triathlon?

the current world record is...NO IDEA!

What is the world record for collecting stickers?

the world record for stickers is 63000