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The current world record for the longest time bouncing a ball continuously is 19 hours and 15 minutes.

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Q: What is the word record for longest time of bouncing a ball?
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What is the longest time for bouncing a ball?

The longest time for bouncing a ball is 17 hours 24mins.

Bouncing ball longest time?

The longest recorded time for a bouncing ball is 10 hours and 19 minutes, achieved by Jeff de Boer in Canada in 2006. He used a SuperBall and dropped it from a height of 2.56 meters onto a solid surface to achieve this record.

What is the world record for the longest time bouncing a ball?

Presumably, the question is asking how many times a tennis ball has been struck while tethered to a device, similar to a tether ball. If that is the case, then no such record exists, at least according to the Guinness World Records Online (refer to the link, below).

How can a bouncing ball on the moon compare to a bouncing ball on earth?

A bouncing ball on the moon would bounce higher and for a longer period of time compared to a bouncing ball on Earth due to the moon's lower gravity. The reduced gravitational force on the moon allows objects to accelerate more slowly towards the surface, resulting in higher bounces with less energy loss.

What is the longest time for spinning a ball on your finger?

The Guinness World Record for the longest time spinning a basketball on a finger is 22 minutes and 12 seconds, set by Thomas Connor in 2016.

What is the longest time somebody has bounced a ball in the air?

The longest recorded time someone has bounced a ball continuously in the air is over 6 hours.

What is the record for the longest time water skiing?

The record for the longest time water skiing continuously is 26 hours and 24 minutes, achieved by David W. Wathen in 1986.

What is Longest time for standing on a ball?

well I have stood on a ball for 2 hours!!!

What is the longest someone could juggle a soccerball?

As of 2021, the Guinness World Record for the longest time juggling a soccer ball is held by Ash Randall from the UK, who juggled a soccer ball for 26 hours using only his feet.

What is the longest time to balance on a ball?

15 min.

What is the world record of bouncing a bouncy ball?

6000 bounces from a 6 year old 23 hours 6minutes and 32 and a 1/2 seconds in time.

Where does the energy go when a bouncy ball stops bouncing?

When a bouncy ball stops bouncing, the energy that was initially stored in the ball due to its deformation and compression is converted into other forms of energy such as heat and sound. This energy transfer causes the ball to gradually lose its bounce over time.