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Deet's father goes to jail for using drugs to have two jobs. Deet is scared of jail and thinks it is a horrible place. But, when he goes to visit his dad he realizes that prison isn't such a bad place after all. He continues to visit him and the author ends the book without telling if Deet's dad gets out or what happens to the family.

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"Do Not Pass Go" by Kirkpatrick Hill is a children's book about a young boy named Deet who goes on a journey to discover his family's past and the true meaning of home. Through his adventure, Deet learns important lessons about identity, belonging, and the power of family bonds. The story is a heartfelt exploration of heritage and self-discovery.

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Wikipedia is awesome for book summaries, despite the fact that sometime they don't have the book you want the summary for. You can also request that the article be added.